Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Preliminary Sketches

The Design Process

Defining Spaces

Finally, I get a minute to blog. Here are my initially SPACE PLANNING ideas generated from taking angles and forms present thru out the design of the rest of the building. Travis suggested that I should not give myself boundaries and use other points to bring in walls and spaces to the Architecture Floor Plates.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Changing the Concept Around

There were many moments when I did not know how to use the "transmetamorph" concept and apply it t0 our design. So I tried to look for other meanings of the word and this only lead me to looking up the words that caused chaos in our design. Noise (from the atrium to the studios and auditorium) , Disturbance (all the open areas where birds, ohhh those birds, could fly thru), Clutter (all areas one against another with little or no barriers) (or all type of people coming into the building not knowing where to go...therefore causing a traffic jam and cluttering the floor) etc...... 

Guiding Me in the right Direction

Before I knew I was going to be focusing on the studio part of the project I was looking at images of innovative ways to display signage and way-finding material. Some of those ideas transfered over to the studio design additionally to some ideas I got from looking at different ways to create open and exciting areas for a studio environment. 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Blur.... BUILDING (not like my life)

As I was looking for some inspiration I came across Dubai's future buildings they are proposing (which are crazier than our design and concept)!!!! Anyways I mentioned it to Travis and he suggested I should look at.................................................................................................

Diller & Scofidio

Blur Building

Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland

“ An inhabitable cloud whirling above a lake”.

architecture magazine

The Blur Building is a media pavilion for Swiss Expo 2002 built at the base of Lake Neuchatel in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.

(because there images are copyrighted here are a few links to see the BLUR BUILDING  arcspace, designboom )

cool huh!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Locked Down.

After numerous changes to the signed and finalized plan, a new plan was finally the final one. Thank You Jimmy for taking the initiative to finish the damn design. Anyways, it looks amazing.
After talking to my group and deciding that there is no way I can design way finding and signage, I decided to change my individual part. I am no longer designing signage or anything related to way finding in the building. The architecture floors are now mine to design. OK so here I go!!!! 
I am looking at using a part of the concept but not the whole "transmetamorph" of it. I think I am going to break it down and see which parts fit into the ideology I have for the architecture floors.

Elevation View from Oakland (in perspective)

View from McCormick

View from McCormick w/ shadows

Elevation View from McCormick (in perspective)

View from corner of Lee St. and McCormick

Elevation view from Lee St. (in perspective)